Thursday, January 28, 2010

Brave Bird

The sign says "Do Not Open Windows, Birds Will Peck"

Brave Bird walks fearlessly among the vehicles that slow down around the him. He knows he is in charge in this scene. He feels as if he is the star and this is his show. The vehicles don't belong in his environment, but they are there anyway. He never learned from his mother how to deal with all this odd attention. Brave Bird is just a bird after all, not supposed to be an exhibit in a drive thru safari.

"Its just not right" Brave Bird thinks to himself.

He knows that he is supposed to live among other animals, but these moving metal vehicles, that is not something he is used to or instinctively knows how to deal with.

'TAP' 'TAP' 'TAP' "why you here? what do you want?" Brave Bird thinks as he is tapping on the glass windows of the moving metal vehicles driving by. Total utter confusion enters his mind. "What are these moving things??? Damn, please don't run over my tiny toes."

Day after day, year after year, slowly Brave Bird adapts to his new environment, so unnatural, but his new home. Meantime, millions of moving metal vehicles slowly drive by Brave Bird observing him in what they unnaturally think is his 'natural environment'. The moving metal vehicles weave their way past Brave Bird and through the park and out the exit, and as they exit the park, they move on with their lives and their memories and thoughts about Brave Bird fade quickly.

Brave Bird is still there all this time later, enduring the endless days of the moving metal vehicles that threaten his safety every step he takes, but still he walks by, showing that this is his land, his home, and no matter how many moving metal vehicles almost run him over, he will continue to be Brave Bird regardless.

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