Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pondering coincidence

Today at work, I was thinking about coincidence. I find it amusing that sometimes, two people will be having a discussion with me at different times, and they will mention a word to me, and it is always a word that stands out in my mind cause its not a word I hear often (it doesn't matter what word it is). I don't know if its a coincidence that both people would say the same word to me or not. It seems weird to me, but maybe its just my mind trying to find patterns and make sense of language or something like that. But is it a coincidence that I am paying attention to that particular word in general or is there a meaning why I am focusing on the word in question? I also noticed that this happens with tv, you could be watching a program and they will say a phrase and it stands out in your mind cause you were just thinking that same phrase a short time ago. Is that coincidence?

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